OSMMOS project started

I just recently started my goal project. I called is (rather self explanatory) Open Source Massively Multiplayer  Online Server. I started rolling the ball with a simple but working Socket management class. Next on the the to do list is a connection manager.

Since this is my very first major Linux server implementation, I play on running into a few beginner pit falls.  D/DOS attacks and security will probably be the most noticeable. Nothing I’m sure I wont be able to tackle as the project progresses.

Any and all help, pointers and contributes all very welcome.

Here is the source code on GitHub

Site Update

I have updated the site to include a news and tutorial section. I have plans to write a few crash courses on c/c++ and then a tutorial to create a multi-threaded server in linux (using TCP Socket, epoll and the c++ standard thread object). I also plan on including an abut me page in the near future.